Weather in Tenerife in May 2024, Is This The Best Month To Go?

The weather in Tenerife in May is at it’s best out of all the top months for tourism. The average temperate now increases again from previous month April, perfect conditions for everyone. Spring is coming to an end and summer is approaching fast.

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Weather in Tenerife in May

Tenerife Weather in May

May is not as busy as the months of March and April here but the weather makes up for this. The warm annual sub-tropical climate still attracts plenty from the colder northern countries. Tenerife is usually the hottest of the Canaries to visit during May as the temperature reaches it’s yearly high.

The high temperature in Tenerife in May is a hot 24 Celsius which saw a increase from the temperature in April but it can get much hotter still. May saw a record temperature of 36.4 Celsius at Tenerife south airport in 2012. The low here even at night is a warm 18 Celsius. You are unlikely to need a jacket or much warm clothing if visiting during this month.

What Is The Hottest Time In May?

The weather in Tenerife in May tends to be much hotter closer to June and during the middle of the month. The temperature will now approach the daily high. The start of the month is a touch cooler but the end will see a temperature of around 22 Celsius on average. The popular resorts in the south of the island are usually hotter, this is also the case for May.

Rainfall in Tenerife in May

May on average sees 1 – 2 days rainfall during the month. The precipitation levels have been decreasing all spring and May is drier still. Most of the rainfall in Tenerife arrives between November to March. As summer approaches the rain will become less and less until autumn. If you visit during May and get some rain then it’s not likely to ruin your holiday. A few showers here and there will be as bad as it gets.

Sea Temperature in Tenerife in May

Playa de las Teresitas

The sea hit 20 Celsius during April and will remain at that temperature for most of May. Check here for the current sea temperature in Tenerife. Towards the end of the month the sea will increase again and could hit 22 Celsius. That is the normal temperature for June so expect plenty of beach activity and people enjoying a swim. Generally the sea should be ideal for most around this time. If the sea is not for you then one of the water parks such as Siam Park may be worth checking out.

Resort Temperatures in May

Costa AdejePlaya de las AméricasLos Cristianos
Average Temperature20°C21°C19°C
Sea Temp20°C20°C20°C

Other May Weather

Tenerife in May Weather Points

  • During the day the usual outside temperature is 19 Celsius
  • The sea now warms to a pleasant 21 Celsius
  • There are generally 8 hours of daily sun which rises to 9 hours by the end of the month
  • Average of 1 – 2 days rainfall but this will only be a few showers
  • Daily high of 24 Celsius which can get much hotter
    Daily low of 18 Celsius
  • A record temperature of 36.4 Celsius was recorded in 2012

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Hours of Sunshine

The hours of sunshine remain at 8 hours which is also the same as April. Towards the end of the month the hours will increase to 9 hours. These hours tend to peak in the height of summer at 10 hours before decreasing again. The hours of daylight will now be between 11 – 12 hours. May is not as overcast as previous months so you may see some extra hours of sunshine when you visit.