This page provides extensive information about the weather in Lanzarote in May. Here you will find average temperatures of the sun, sea and other climate stats. We also include a summary of the top resorts such as Costa Teguise, Playa Blanca and Puerto del Carmen..
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What’s The Weather Like In Lanzarote In May?
The weather in Lanzarote during May is as close to perfect as possible now. The sun is warm without being too hot and the sea increases to an ideal temperature for a swim. This island is famous for it’s incredible beaches which stretch for miles. You can expect there to be plenty of activity on them around this time.
The average daytime sun temperature now warms to 21-22 Celsius. This is a small increase from previous month April which is one of the top months to visit. This month sees a high of 25 C with a low of 17 C, it’s warmer leading up to June. May could be mistaken for a summer month and not the end of spring such are the conditions. It’s worth mentioning that Lanzarote saw a record high of 38.6°C in the 1980’s. With this is mind, you should expect much hotter temperatures than the yearly averages suggest.
Temperature Of The Sea
At the start of May the ocean temperature remains at 19 Celsius. While not hot, this should be good conditions for most to enjoy a swim or water sports. The middle of May sees the temperature increase to 20 C and up to 21 C at the end of the month. August, September and October here is when the sea reaches it’s warmest temperature of 22 C.
Hours of Sun
May tends to have 10 hours of warm sunshine for most of this month. This is an increase of an hour from April. The numbers of sunny hours now reach their peak and remain the same until the end of August.
Other Islands in May
Lanzarote in May Weather Temperatures
- May sees an increase in outside temperature to 21-22 Celsius depending on which part of the month you visit.
- The typical high temperature now is 25 C but this month has seen a record high of 38.6 C previously.
- You may experience the low temp of 17 C at the start of May which will warm as the month progresses.
- The amount of sunshine hours one can expect now increases to 10 hours per day.
- There is hardly any rainfall on record during May so you are unlikely to encounter any.
- The ocean temperatures remains at 19 Celsius which increases around the middle of May.
Rainfall in May
The Canaries in general see very little rainfall during May. This is especially true for the islands off the coast off Africa. Lanzarote And Fuerteventura are unlikely to see much rain if any during this month. It’s possible that the islands to the west such as Tenerife and Gran Canaria may see the odd day.